This article was published in IITD's Special Publication for Freshers - IITD ke Funde by BSP
Dear Dreamers,
Welcome to IIT Delhi.
Are questions like -What is IIT, what does being an IITian mean, buzzing in your head?
Well, that’s ok. It was same for me. I remember my first day at IIT as vividly as I remember my first crush; both were times full of wild thoughts, apprehensions, excitement and fear.
Soon your classes would begin. You would run all around the Insti; from morning 8 to evening 5. Tired, you would come back to your room, gossip a little with your new friends, study a bit, and sleep. Soon Minors would come, and you would be like cat on hot bricks. Rendezvous would follow and your to-be-girlfriends (or boyfriends) would come to IIT. And in no time your 1st semester would be over. Trust me, my 3 years got over in the same fashion.
During this time, I would not be surprised to hear you lament about being stuck in a dull and gruelling Engineering Design (ED) workshop, when romantic rains are dancing outside, or being irritated trying to understand the rational behind an irrational subject like Group Theory (MAL124)…
Well, after 3 years, I can jolly well say that all courses have several applications in real life, but that would not convince you – you want to know their application NOW! And in this context lies the essence of Technocracy. Technocracy is an initiative by a team of students of IITD, to improve the levels of indigenous research by providing sufficient opportunities and creating enthusiasm among people.
There are several aspects on which Technocracy works, but let’s just talk about – What’s in for you? To put down simply – there would be several basic level workshops, seminars, video presentation to explain you - say, how to use your ED knowledge to design a bike or how Group Theory applies to RUBIKS Cube and so on.
Our Website, BSP publications, posters and events will give more information about different projects, useful inventions, innovative ideas, award, honours and upcoming technical activities at IIT Delhi. Follow our activities and they are sure to fire your dreams to ‘think differently’. And my dear Dreamers, soon you would know – to think differently is the essence of being an IITian!
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